Monday, July 25, 2016

Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser Review

Facial wash may come as no big deal at all to some, but definitely not me. kulit aku bukan cuma berminyak tapi juga sensitif dan gampang banget jerawatan. I've tried some drugstore brands, mulai dari garnier, clean&clear, but none of them met my expectations, and so i decided to buy this one. It's actually quite pricey for a face wash specially if you're a slacky, unemployed highschooler like me. but well i'm betting my bottom dollar anyway.

Packaging: botol plastik dengan flip-top. untuk yang lebih besar kemasannya pump dan lebih higenis kalau menurut aku.

- cocok untuk semua jenis kulit
- cocok untuk bayi
- fragrance-free
- colorant-free

Formula: teksturnya gel. sesuai klaimnya dia colorant-free dan fragrance-free--so it doesn't smell like anything.
I really like the performance: foamless and shit but actually cleanses the shiz out off your face, which i really like, sabun ini ngga berbusa sama sekali, dan enak banget digunakan, hasil akhirnya kulit kamu bukannya kering tapi malah lembab dan plumpy, dan yang penting, bersih.
All in all, this is one of those rare facial washes that don't break me out. And well if it doesn't break me out it surely will work better on you.

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